The Patient Experience: Neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) can impact on patients' quality of life in many ways
Definition of NDO: NDO is characterised by overactivity of the bladder due to a relevant neurological condition5,6
Consequences of untreated NDO: impact on quality of life 7
Consequences of untreated NDO7-9
Spinal lesions caused by a trauma, such as spinal cord injury, or by a progressive neurological condition, such as multiple sclerosis can lead to NDO10,11
Expanded Disability Status Scale12,13
Adapted from Fowler et al, 200912
Approximately 80% of patients with MS report some form of UI14
Frequency, urgency and UI are all commonly reported
62% of patients with MS have NDO without bladder outlet obstruction15
Voiding LUTS are prevalent; in approximately 5–10% of patients, bladder symptoms are present at the onset of MS16
BoNT/A: botulinum toxin type A; CIC: clean intermittent catheterisation; DDAVP: desmopressin; IDC: indwelling catheter; LUTS: lower urinary tract symptoms; MS: multiple sclerosis; NDO: neurogenic detrusor overactivity; QoL: quality of life; UI: urinary incontinence.
Please refer to the BOTOX® Summary of Product Characteristics for further information on adverse events, contraindications and special warnings and precautions for use.
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at
Adverse events should also be reported to AbbVie on [email protected]
Date of preparation: April 2024. UK-BUO-240008.