Duodopa® may help provide symptom control in people with levodopa‑responsive advanced Parkinson's3

Continuous infusion with gold standard levodopa3,4

CDS mimics the body's physiological dopamine stimulation5

Continuous administration may reduce pill burden3,4

Intestinal administration avoids issues related to delayed gastric emptying6

CDS=continuous dopaminergic stimulation; PD=Parkinson's disease.

1. Antonini A, et al. Curr Med Res Opin 2018;34(12):2063–73.

2. Dijk JM, et al. J Parkinsons Dis 2020;10:S65–73.

3. Duodopa® Summary of Product Characteristics, available on www.medicines.ie.

4. Boyd JT, et al. Clin Park Relat Disord 2020;2:25–34.

5. Nyholm D, Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2007;13(suppl):S13–17.

6. Slevin JT, et al. J Parkinsons Dis 2015;5:165–74.

Parkinson's progression leads to increased motor fluctuations, dyskinesias and a reduced quality of life1-3

  • As the disease progresses and the therapeutic window narrows, people with PD typically require more frequent levodopa dosing4
  • Delayed gastric emptying can lead to poor or delayed absorption of oral levodopa5
  • At this stage, oral dopaminergic therapies no longer provide adequate symptom control3

Adapted from Olanow CW et al. 2006.

PD=Parkinson's disease.

1. Dijk JM, et al. J Parkinsons Dis 2020; 10:S65-73.

2. Odin P, et al. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2015;21:1133-44.

3. Antonini A, et al. Curr Med Res Opin 2018;34:2063-73.

4. Nyholm D. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2007;13:S13-7.

5. Doi H, et al. J Neural Sci 2012;319:86-8.

6. Olanow CW, et al. Nat Clin Pract Neurol 2006;2(7):382-92.

In advanced PD, continuous dopaminergic stimulation can be an alternative to pulsatile, non-continuous stimulation1,2

Adapted from Olanow CW et al. 2006.

  • Continuous dopaminergic stimulation (CDS) can mimic normal physiological dopamine stimulation2
  • This approach has the potential to improve advanced PD symptom control2,3 


Consider CDS in people with advanced PD when oral dopaminergic therapies no longer provide
adequate symptom control1-3


1. Olanow CW, et al. Nat Clin Pract Neurol 2006;2(7):382-92.

2. Nyholm D. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2007; 13:S13-7.

3. Boyd JT, et al. Clin Park Relat Disord 2020;2:25-34.

Quality of Life


IE-DUOD-220031. Date of preparation: November 2022.