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VENCLYXTO is a BCL-2 inhibitor licensed for the treatment of AML across all mutational subtypes1


VENCLYXTO in combination with a hypomethylating agent is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed AML who are ineligible for intensive chemotherapy

VENCLYXTO in combination with obinutuzumab (Ven+O) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated CLL

VENCLYXTO in combination with rituximab (Ven+R) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with CLL who have received at least one prior therapy

VENCLYXTO is licensed as monotherapy (Ven mono), for the treatment of adult patients with CLL:

  • in the absence of del(17p) or TP53 mutations and who have failed both chemoimmunotherapy and a BCRI
  • in the presence of del(17p) or TP53 mutations and who are either unsuitable for, or have failed a BCRI

AML=acute myeloid leukemia; BRCI=B-cell receptor pathway inhibitor; CLL=chronic lymphocytic leukaemia


  1. VENCLYXTO Summary of Product Characteristics.


Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at

Adverse events should also be reported to AbbVie on [email protected]

UK-VNCAML-220205. Date of preparation: November 2022.